Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Reef !

Saturday - Tuesday

Funny how the should-I,  or shouldn't-I decisions can work out .

Not sure about the weather . These Utah Red Rock NP 's on a weekend can be like a Jersey Shore summer / Florida Keys winter reps . Plus old Betsy ( the Trailer ) sprung a leak while Mike was sleeping . wet floor . It seemed like the smart thing to do would be to stay in my once a week wifi / shower campground for a few , fix the leak , wait out the weekend …. maybe take another shower ….

nah . Capitol Reef here I come .
Short story . Capitol Reef is part of the Zion , Bryce , Glen Canyon , Grand Canyon story line .
Capitol because one of the distinguishing features is a dome,  shaped like the Capitol.

Reef because the configuration of the mountains , the slickrock cliffs, and the blind canyons acted as a barrier to early east - west travel.
Capitol Reef weebsite is here

First run / hike was up Fremont Creek Gorge Trail out the back of Fruita Campground . ( Fruita is a fascinating historical community that is worth checking out)
 fruita story

Just got here and lunch was only 10 minutes thru the digestive process . But . Rain coming,  so I wanted to get something in b4 it hit . 5k total roundtrip milage,  with 500 feet of climbing going out . Starting at 7500 feet …. thats HARD ! I did some great walking . But coming back ???? Told my buddy Bill the campground host , who recommended the next hike ( more on that in a minute ) that it was short and sweet but I really felt like coming down on my hands and knees ! No guardrail !

Bill recommended the Cohab Canyon Trail across the road from the campground . Lotsa switch backs going up the first 800m but than it mellows out into a beautiful canyon after that ! Rain , thunder rumbles , lightning, still stalking ….. but figure I have an hour . The switchbacks were brutal going up ! Met a couple about halfway up (they were from Salt Lake ) who were catching a breather . Roger and Jeane . That was all the excuse I needed to slow my pace down so we hiked up the canyon together as the storm threatened . The conversation was great , covering many of the topics travelers uncover, meeting on the road . And the sights were continuous . Roger, at one point echoed what I had been thinking " how can you not keep stopping to snap a photo" . But the conversation kept returning to the oncoming storm and what we would do if we got caught ( slot canyon + thunderstorm = risk ) .

view from switchbacks going up

at top of trail entering canyon

entrance .... love the Veggies

forces at work

looking back !!

There was a side trail that went up to an overlook and I smartly volunteered to run up first and see exactly what the storm was up to … since all we had to go by were the rumbles and darkening sky behind us . We were about at the end of the trail . The options were to go back the way we came, or continue on to a road … and walk back by way of roads ( adding a couple miles at least, but much safer ) .  When I got to the overlook it was obvious the storm was going to hit , but other than some random lightning it didn't seem like a gully washer ( or a slot chaser ) . Jeanne seemed to think the same. So,  since I had left my windows open in the trailer,  I decided to go back and Roger and Jeanne continued on to the road . We all extended the "be safe" feeling and then hit the road.
sculpted sandstone

those are boulders just laying around

tight fit

view of Fruita from overlook

Roger & Jeanne headed out

Well , you know how these stories go . No sooner did I hit the trail back ( and trust me I WAS running ) then the wind switched and the rain started to fall . Not hard , but it was raining .  After about a half mile I was back in what to me, was a true slot canyon ! So I picked up the pace ! ( why I am I flashing back to childhood here ?? ) It was a great run . But in another half mile , it was over …..because I almost ran over Meg !  who was hiking back ( both sticks working ) too . Scared the heck out of her, because like me,  she was just a little bit nervous (being from SF and on her first canyon hike) . Great timing . I slowed to a quick walk and probably saved myself from a tumble , we kept each other calm , got a little wet, and made it down the switchbacks in one piece . Jeanne and I were right , the storm bulls eyed us but it was not a heavy hitter ! There is this exhilaration you get , when you don't take the safe way out , get a little nervous , and pull through . Gives you a heck of an appetite !

Just to make sure they weren't walking back soaked , when I got back I drove out towards where I knew Roger and Jeanne were coming back. Found them strolling down the side of the road having a blast . Offered them a ride back but they insisted on walking . Did I mention they were in their 70's ? Glad I went !

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