Big Pine to Sebring b.w.o of the Overseas Highway , Krome , Okachoobee , Clewiston !
Highland Hammock State Park is located just west of Sebring . It was "built" by the Civilian Conservation Corp in the 1930s with the financial assistance, and help, of local citizens . .. so it comes complete with a beautiful rec hall , amphitheater , music pavilion , museum and all the classic mortise and tenon junctures that make for a park from that era .
Jammed with old growth live oaks ( think 1000 years old ) , cypress , bromeliads and white tail deer (that look about the same size as key deer … strangely enough) …. this is perfect spot for a getaway . Biking , Equine and hiking trails are everywhere … not to mention a couple miles of boardwalk that connect the various trails ! The buzzng of the cicadas , crickets, and katydids are about the only sounds you will hear ( except for the owl that hooted at my window around 4 a.m. )
I wanted to run 12 or so to keep up with Angie and Tracy … but the gps doesn't work in the big trees and the cushy trails worked my legs and feet ….. so after 80 minutes I was done. There are at least another 10k to get on the way back !
They aren't much bigger than our key deer
boardwalk thru Highland Hammock cabbage patch
more boardwalk . This time Cypress
the next 1k will be with out gaurdrail ! Yes, it slowed me down !
roll on, Lookin good.